We are a Spirit Filled family of believers committed to ENCOUNTER the presence of God, EMBRACE one another, and be EQUIPPED for ministry in the church and to the world.

Our Vision - Where We are Headed

The vision of the Upper Room is to be a Spirit-filled, grace-empowered, truth-centered, multi-cultural Church who change culture, shift nations and advance the Kingdom of God in the earth.

Our Identity - Who we are / our dNA

Prayer- Going deep in God through continual prayer and prophetic worship unto the Lord.

Kingdom Ministry- Establishing Apostolic Training Centers in the model of Ephesians 4:11-13.

Revival- Empowering believers to win the lost and awaken the Church with the Spirit’s power.

End-Times- Preparing the way for the Lord’s return and standing with God’s purpose for Israel.

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Our Mission - What we are called to do now

Family Ministry- Being a Church focused on the whole family. Through the development of children’s, youth, young adult, men’s and women’s ministry we are seeking to build healthy families, cultivate strong marriages, and bring forth godly relationships.

Training and Equipping Ministry- Being a Church focused on equipping the saints and sending out laborers who are committed to fulfilling the Great Commission.

Revival Ministry- Being a Church that is pressing into the fullness of God’s Spirit being released in the Church and overflowing to unbelievers. Through preaching, prayer, and evangelism we are working with the Holy Spirit to bring about revival in the Church and a great harvest among the lost.

Worship and Prayer Ministry- Being a Church that is fueled by fervent prayer and extravagant worship unto the Lord. Together they unlock our hearts to experience more of Jesus, release God’s presence into our region, and prepare the way for His purposes to be manifested across the earth.